Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back from Florida...

...and none to happy about it.

Got to see three Red Sox spring training games, which was quite fun. Baseball in March is just a good thing.

Oh, and si.com finally got their Cubs camp postcard done. My impression? It was pretty fair. It's easy to forget the Cubs actually won 97 games last year. I take issue with the idea that they simply had a bad week against the Dodgers, though - LA's pitching staff was perfectly suited to neutralize the Cubs' bats, Lou rode his big boppers WAY too hard during the season, and Manny Rameriez was simply that locked in. It could've been a 15 game series and the Dodgers probably would've won. Just a horrible match-up all around.

One final thought - it seems everyone is being very quick to write off Kosuke Fukudome as a bust. Do folks realize that last year was his first in the Majors??? He had the inevitable culture shock, then made the mistake of having a great April, so the entire city annointed him the Next Great Savior. When his holes got exposed (it was gonna happen) and he wore down (also predictable), it seems everyone just assumed he was done. Now he's looking to platoon in center with Reed Johnson? I don't think he'll be a superstar, but don't be shocked at something like .280/20/75, depending on how many at-bats he gets and where he hits in the lineup. The guy's got talent...just you wait.

Man, I can't wait for the real games to start!!!

1 comment:

  1. chris,

    i'm in serious agreement. can't wait for the real games and some actual baseball. april can't get here soon enough.

    i'm hoping for that sort of stuff from Fukudome. and i wouldn't be surprised if you're right. seems like we're too quick to write off the potentially good guys (why'd we throw away derosa??) and too quick to look for new blood elsewhere (i'm still not too onboard with the bradley signing. and i think we parted with pie too fast for never giving him a chance. i guess Pie proves my point on both sides).

    i'm still worried about our starting pitching. and i hope that marmol doesn't take last night to heart as a closer. hopefully that doesn't affect him too much.

    glad you're blogging and thinking about this stuff. should be a good season. i'm glad to be on board here.
